? ??????????????Houston Skyline? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (46 Ratings)??138 Grabs Today. 5182 Total Grabs.
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Monday, February 8, 2010

Just Jen!

Hey everybody, this entry is just a little bit about myself. My names Jennifer and i'm a freshmen and Rhode Island College, and so far im liking it! I live on campus and I think it's one of the best experiences i've ever had, and everyone should do it if they have the opportunity to! But during the summer and on breaks I live in a very loud household with two brothers, one sister (all older than me), my parents, my grandparents, and of course my adorable dog Roxie! I am currently majoring in Elementary Education and Special Education, BUT I am not entirely sure that is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I am hoping that doing community service in elementary schools for my Fundementals of Educatioin course will help me decide if I really love it or not. In my spare time I LOVE to take photographs, play piano and sing. Well thats about it for now. Look for my next post!

Love yah,